Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.

The role of MOMENTUM in MY PEACE

As well as supporting Partners with key project activities, Momentum is responsible for two distinct elements of the MY PEACE project.  Firstly, we are responsible for Quality Evaluation of the project and we are also responsible for designing and implementing the project's Share and Promote Strategy.

As Quality Management & Impact Evaluation Strategy lead, Momentum has developed a Quality Evaluation Momentum Strategy for the project. As part of this Strategy development, it led an Impact+ Workshop with all the consortium members at the Kickoff meeting to develop a list of quality indicators. Throughout the project, Momentum will observe and track the progress, quality and achievement of the project activities. As the project progresses, they will evaluate the level of target group needs fulfilment and the quality of work, processes, communication and outputs.

In leading the Share and Promote elements of the Dissemination Strategy, Momentum is committed to orchestrating a comprehensive and sustained dissemination campaign over the project's lifespan. The goal is to share project results effectively and encourage their application among all key target audiences. They have developed a dissemination strategy that provides a well-orchestrated process of sharing information with the relevant stakeholders and key actors about the project's process, activities, and results. It uses varied local, national, and EU dissemination channels

The dissemination strategy centres on identifying and using the most effective media to reach the target groups and maximise the project results' impact. Our primary target groups include:

1. Youth Educators (NGOs, youth groups, associations, music schools, clubs)  

2. Music Stakeholders (musicians, bands, studios, radios, festivals, authors, associations)

3. Peacebuilding Stakeholders (government institutions, media, advocates, NGOs)

4. Young people (age 18-30, especially Ukrainian refugees, refugees, NEETS, diverse in gender cultures, abilities etc).

Although Momentum leads in creating the overall dissemination plan and executing the related marketing activities, all partners share the responsibility of project dissemination at local, regional, and national levels within their respective countries. This includes adapting the dissemination plan to suit their local contexts.
