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Youth Empowerment: Creating Pathways to Peace

Spin / Okret is a youth organisation started firstly in 2016 as an informal group of youth workers involved actively in programs and projects at the local and international levels. Through existence as an informal group and as an organization, Okret works on developing projects,

activities and methodologies involving combination of learning and active use of gained knowledge and skills. Activities of Okret are focused on young people in local communities and providing them knowledge and skills through educational trainings, exchanges, workshops and international activities.

Another important aspect of the regular activities of Okret, especially relevant to MY PEACE project, is working on innovative approaches in youth work for reconciliation, by usually using sport and art methodologies. Together in cooperation with their regular partners at the local level (such as musical schools, vocational high schools, private and public universities etc.), they are developing innovative projects combining art methodologies (such as music, photography, art therapy) in youth work settings. Youth arts work involves, by necessity and design, the collaboration of young people, youth workers and artists – and this combination of people and purpose is powerful when approached in a meaningful way.

Spin / Okret has experienced staff who have been working in the field on non-formal education and increasing competences of youth workers for the last 10 years in the Erasmus+ program and former Youth in Action program. Previous projects and local-level activities of SPIN were focused on working with young people on topics of reconciliation, peacebuilding, intercultural/interreligious dialogues and intercultural learning. They are regularly involving youth from remote areas of their country and Herzegovina-Neretva region in their activities. Also, they are focused on providing educational training and courses for youth who are out of the school system.

The staff who will be involved in the MY PEACE project:

Amar Hamzić – Youth Worker

Amar is an active educator and has been active as a youth worker for more than 7 years already. Experienced in the implementation of several international projects for young people, creating

programs for city and summer camps, and coordinating youth leaders and peer educators. He is also working as a project manager and trainer, especially on the topics of entrepreneurship, the promotion of healthy lifestyles and the development of soft skills.

Nedim Mičijević – President

Nedim is a youth worker and LMS developer; finishing studies in the fields of psychology and sociology. He has 8 years experience in the field of youth work, local projects with youth, fields of violence prevention and healthy lifestyles promotion, and professional education of school pedagogues and professors. Possesses extensive experience in andragogy and development of adult education programs face-to-face, as well as e-learning courses for the development of employability and entrepreneurship competences of unemployed citizens. He has specialized development of blended learning opportunities for unemployed adults and youngsters, with a special accent on the promotion of women’s entrepreneurship.
