Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.

MyPEACE Publishes the Second Project Ezine

Welcome to the 2nd issue of our bi-annual ezine, an integral component of the "MUSIC for YOUTH - a PEACE building approach" (MY PEACE) project. 

This publication is a reflection of our dedication to empowering European youth through the universal language of music, fostering peace and understanding across borders.

In this Ezine, we share a little more about the MY PEACE project. Just a quick reminder before you start reading: the MY PEACE project aims to respond to the urgent need for peace-building in the wake of the conflict in Ukraine, and conflicts around the world. The mission of the project partners is to equip youth educators with innovative educational approaches that use music as a catalyst for peace!

Throughout the project, you can follow the adventures and activities of the partners through these Ezines, as well as via the various blog posts that we are writing to keep you all informed of the progress of our reflections and activities.

In this issue, we invite you to discover the role of the Danish (EUEI) and Ukrainian (IEU) partners within My Peace; to discover the project through the eyes of Lou Pohin, project manager at LABA, one of the French partners; to follow the support offered by OMK, the German partner, for the organisation of the musical sessions organised in each of the countries taking part in the project, and also to discover the Irish, Bosnian and German Partners, Momentum, SPIN and Musiclab Emmendingen.

We hope you enjoy reading this, and look forward to seeing you again for Ezine No. 3! 
