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Presenting a partner: musiclab Emmendingen

Location and Offerings

Musiclab Emmendingen is a private music school located in the southwest of Germany. Our offerings range from early childhood music education to instrumental and band lessons, as well as cross-teaching for children, teenagers, and adults. Additionally, we specialize in instruction and workshops in the areas of inclusion, integration, and team building.

The musiclab Team of MY PEACE

Krischan Lukanow

Our principal, Krischan Lukanow, is heavily involved in the MY PEACE project. He is a certified jazz saxophonist and educator. With his band "Al Jawala," he has been performing worldwide for 24 years, with over 1000 concerts played. Al Jawala brings the message of mutual acceptance to countless concert stages around the world. Krischan has also been leading the integrative band "Rhythmics" for over 15 years, focusing on using music as a medium for mutual respect and joy, regardless of skill level, competition, or perfection.

musiclab Instructors

34 instructors from musiclab are available to contribute to the MY PEACE project as needed, particularly in music sessions and songwriting workshops.

Come Together

For 33 years, musiclab has stood for openness, acceptance, peace, empathy, creativity, and respect. Our experience in bringing people together and enriching them through music is our strength, which we are eager to bring to the MY PEACE project.

Songwriting and Peace

In songwriting workshops with refugees and locals, we aim to showcase how peacebuilding and integration can succeed through music. We believe this approach will help bring people from the region together in a relaxed manner. Music aids in processing trauma, articulating fears, and giving a melody to messages.

Outlook and Expectations

Through the MY PEACE project, we hope to bring more peace to the world. Our goal is to develop models that can be used by organizations and schools globally to promote peace through music.

Benefits for musiclab

We hope that the project will provide us with new insights and approaches for our own work and further strengthen our mission of connecting people through music.
